Senin, 30 Januari 2017

Letter of Intent

Douglas Fam, Ltd.
132 Oakland St.
United States of America


Date      : January 31st, 2017

                Here with the letter, our company would like to addressed the Letter of Intent (LOI) as to forge the commitment between :

1.  Name          : Maxina Juliette Schmidt
Position       : CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
Company    : Douglas Fam, Ltd.

2.  Name          : Matheus John
Position       : Director
Company     : Colombo Transport

are agreed to have commitment assigning in terms of the said Letter of Intent through several articles as follows :

Article 1
The parties agreed on the commitment started in prior consent to this letter.

Article 2 
The parties agreed on the terms actualized in this letter and valid until it is being signed.

Article 3 
The parties are agreed on the rules and the terms above and could arrange the said matter based on  the scheduled meeting on both parties.

Article 4 
The parties will obey all the term stared in this letter as it is stated by the rule of law that applied in the United States authorities. Any Changes apprehend this commitment must be informed to all parties.


Maxina Juliette Schmidt
CEO of Douglas Fam, Ltd

Accepted and agreed,

Matheus John
Director of Colombo Transport

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